Sisley Sisleya Elixir Free Sample

This is normally a very expensive product line, but for a limited time, they’re giving away one free sample of Sisley Sisleya Elixir. It comes in 5 ml sample container and the product claim is that it helps to fight everyday stress by stimulating the skin. It also helps moisturize your skin by reactivating the synthesis of lipids with natural extracts.

I’ve been told that this product can normally go for close to $100. WOW! I still haven’t tried using it on my skin yet, I almost feel that I’m not worthy of such an expensive cream, lol. I don’t know, I’ve never really believed in the hype that skin creams can really make that big of a difference. But I guess that’s just me.

So, for any of you that are interested in getting a free sample of  Sisley Sisleya Elixir, you must live anywhere in Canada, United States, or England. Limit of one sample per household. Offer available for a limited time only. While supplies last.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 betsy thorpe

are sample of sisley available in Brazil? anyone no?

2 Brenda Couture

I’ve never tried anything from Sisley before, but with this sample, I have been using it for a couple days now and already I am noticing amazing results. Definitely a good product.

3 Linda Sommers

I haven’t been able to afford Sisleya Elixir for a few years now and was so excited to hear about this offer! For those of you who haven’t tried it yet you have to. It’s the best serum for all skin types including sensitive (like me). It’s even good for older women. Your skin will be flawlessly smooth… I guarantee it.

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