Skin Food Makeup Free Sample

This is for a free sample of Skin Food Salmon Brightening Eye Cream. It’s a makeup that I’d never heard of before and thought it was very strange to have a name like “Skin Food”, but once I did a little research, I figured I’d give it a try. Apparently, this South Korean company only uses natural food as ingredients in their product line.

I used a small amount on my skin just to sample my own skin’s reaction to it and it had a very different kind of feel, very natural, but yet very much like a normal makeup. I’m not sure if I would buy it since I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but if I was looking for a natural skin product or if I had sensitive skin I would definitely use this product.

This free sample of Skin Food Salmon Brightening Eye Cream is available in the United States, Canada, most of Europe, India, Australia, and select countries in Asia. One sample per household.

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1 Kelly A.

Thanks, but unfortunately the color didn’t seem to sit right with my skin tone. Otherwise the moisturizing worked fairly well, my skin absorbed it almost instantly.

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